Leanne 25th July 2011

♥ 11 months ♥ Heya gorgeous. You doing okay up there? I hope that wherever you are is as special and as beautiful as you are :) can't believe you're going to be 18 on Sunday and I'm looking forward to seeing everybody at the celebration you're mum and dad have organised for you. I'm sure it will be a good, but emotional night and I just wish you could be there. Don't worry we'll be partying it up for you :D I had a really fun holiday with L.A.C.E.D, it was just a shame you couldn't be there. I got into uni in London!! Yey! Hopefully you're proud of me, as you knew how much I wanted to go. I can't believe it's been nearly a year since you were taken from us, but I think about you all the time and in some situations what you would do or say, as it helps me. I'm making you something special to give you on Sunday, which I hope you like as I think it will take me a long time, but it's worth it. I love and miss you so much, I always will ♥ love you my beautiful best friend ♥ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx​xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx​xxxx