Reflections of 2011

2012 January 01

Created by Pat 12 years ago
Well here we are in 2012. The firsts of everything have been and gone but that doesn't make it any easier. We celebrated Kelly's 18th Birthday in July in a way that I think she would have been proud of. About 80 friends and family gethered at The Railway where Kelly used to go with her friends. DJ Steve kept the music going and we were entertained by Kelly's friends on the Kareoke. The dance floor was packed as everyone enjoyed all the old songs that Kelly loved. There was an emotional moment when 'Angels' was played. With no prompting everyone got into a circle and sang their hearts out. After lots of hugs, the dancing continued until midnight when we all raised our glasses in a toast to Kelly. During the evening people had written messages to Kelly on helium balloons. Everyone went outside to send balloons flying skyward. In August Keith and I went away on the cruise we'd booked with Kelly over a year before. It was to be our last family holiday before Kelly went of to University. We decided to go anyway as we believed Kelly would have wanted us to. We felt that she was there with us. On the anniversary of the accident we visited a little church on shore. It was locked but had a beautiful courtyard garden. Keith and I had some quiet time there to pray and reflect. That evening we went up on deck with our drinks and raised our glasses to Kelly as we looked out to sea. We then realised that 'Don't Worry, Be Happy' was playing over the ship's system. I'd like to think that was a message from Kelly. September saw a return to work for me. It certainly helps keeping busy. Still little things catch me out and bring on the tears; a conversation, a song, a prayer. One day in assembly we sang 'Magic Penny'. It brought back memories of Kelly when she was about 4 and had learnt it at school. The words are just how she lived her life. She gave love to everyone and got lots in return. In October Keith and I went to Pembrokeshire in the motorhome. It was a very eventful week and I know Kelly would have laughed at all the scrapes we got ourselves into! December was hard. So many times I saw things in the shops that I thought were perfect for Kelly, only for reality to hit. All the Christmassy things going on at school, writing the cards and making decisions about Christmas decorations made life difficult. In the end I just put the tree up. Kelly always nagged me about putting the tree up so I did it for her. We were hoping that whatever the outcome, the court case would over before Christmas, but it was adjourned until March. It's just more anxiety for Aaron and his family. We contunue to be close to them and support them as they support us. We went to my sister's for Christmas again. For the first time in 27 years we had Mum, Dad and all their children together for Christmas lunch. There was just one very important person missing! We ate a lot, drank a lot, laughed a lot and cried a little. We really appreciated having the love and support of the family around. New Years eve we spent at the pub with Aaron,his family and friends. It was quite emotional when it got to midnight.There were lots of kisses, hugs and tears. Now as we start 2012 we hope that things will get easier, but one thing is for certain Kelly remains in our hearts and minds constantly and is missed as much as ever.